Our experienced team lead the way in koala conservation and are specialised in koala monitoring and population health management. We go beyond compliance requirements to deliver impactful and long-lasting solutions together with our clients.

Expertise in Wildlife Management

We possess a high level of expertise in wildlife management, particularly in koalas, encompassing population veterinary health assessment, population management, development of koala management plans, and scientific research. We work with a range of environmental stakeholders to assist with:

  • Expert technical advice

  • Development Application (DA) compliance

  • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act Assessments

  • State government regulatory approvals to conduct animal research (AEC and Research Authority)

  • Expert input on koala policy and legislation reviews

  • Development of koala management plans

  • Management and recovery plans for threatened and reasonably significant species

  • Comprehensive koala tagging and management programs

  • Technical reporting, including compulsory government reporting

  • Media expertise and scientific spokespersons

Veterinary Capabilities to Ensure Every Koala Counts

Throughout the lifecycle of EVE-managed projects, every koala recruited to the project undergoes routine health assessments to inform individualised health management and customised monitoring plans. Our fit-for-purpose clinics allow the provision of leading veterinary care for all koalas on our clients’ projects, offering niche expertise in koala health care.

Our Facilities

We operate localised project clinics that allow us to conduct in-situ health examinations customised to each of our clients’ major projects within the local project area. Koalas across these projects requiring intensive care are brought to our purpose-built Intensive Care Koala Hospital in Southeast Queensland, which can hospitalise up to 17 koalas.

This dedicated koala hospital provides the sickest koalas access to high-end diagnostics through in-house pathology services, radiography, in-house chlamydial testing, and complex surgical procedures, with 7-day-per-week veterinary support.

Our Services

Consult and Solution Design

+ Policy and guidelines
+ Robust population census based on sound scientific methods
+ Koala management plans (design, implementation, and review)
+ EPBC Act compliance- koalas, and other threatened species
+ Community and stakeholder engagement
+ Media spokespersons and engagement


Technology and Analytics

+ K-Tracker biotelemetry tag
+ Data analysis
+ Thermal drone surveys for wildlife detection
+ Technical, scientifica and compliance reporting
+ EVE KoDat database (integrated veterinary and field
database) to securely house project data
+ Design and feasibility of wildlife road mitigation devices
(egress trial)

Field Services

+ Koala population monitoring, management and assessment 
+ Wildlife disease investigation and management at
purpose-built facilities
+ Koala capture and handling
+ Wildlife tracking and biotelemetry (GPS and VHF)
+ Habitat assessment

+ General fauna assessments
+ Certified tree climbing
+ RPAS/ UAV surveys (thermal and optical drone)
+ Threat management and intervention
+ Pre-clear koala surveys
+ Design and validation of koala-safe movement solutions


Legacy Projects

+ Post-project EPBC compliance monitoring and remediation
+ Post-project legacy monitoring for koala sustainability
+ Partnership and research collaborations
+ Feasibility studies to apply innovative technologies to
the management of other threatened species
(including Estuarine crocodiles and Greater gliders)